Robots after all
Rare are those who have changed and created such print in the musical galaxy as much as the electronic music duo Daft Punk. After 28 years of massive beats and mesmerizing visuals, they decided to call it quits (for now). Are they on to something crazier, or have they run out of energy (who could blame them). In any case, their legacy will be heating up the dancefloor and memories for the generations to come. I say thank you Daft Punk. Merci infiniment pour ce talent, ce mystère, cette élégance. Je vous aime. I wanted to create an illustration playing with the title of one of their albums "human after all". In today's world where many freak out when their devices run low on battery (include me in the bunch), I thought, maybe they are robots after all and needed re-charging too. Let me know what you think in the comment section :)

Thanks for watching.
Prints available on: Etsy / Big Cartel